
On this page, users can expect to find information about the token's supply, distribution, and circulation, as well as details about its utility, staking mechanisms, and deflationary models.


This tokenomics plan outlines the distribution and allocation of tokens for our project. The total supply of tokens will be allocated across various categories to ensure sustainable growth, incentivize community participation, support strategic partnerships, and maintain operational liquidity.

Token Allocation

1. Community: 40%

- Total Tokens: 400,000,000 (out of 1 billion)

- Purpose: This allocation is dedicated to community incentives, including rewards for staking, participation in governance, airdrops, and other community engagement activities.

- Distribution Method:

- Staking rewards: 15% (150,000,000 tokens)

- Governance participation: 10% (100,000,000 tokens)

- Airdrops and bounties: 10% (100,000,000 tokens)

- Community contests and other activities: 5% (50,000,000 tokens)

- Vesting Schedule: Linear vesting over 24 months with a 3-month cliff for staking rewards and governance participation tokens.

2. Team: 10%

- Total Tokens: 100,000,000 (out of 1 billion)

- Purpose: Reserved for the founding team and early contributors to ensure their long-term commitment and alignment with the project’s success.

- Vesting Schedule: Linear vesting over 48 months with a 12-month cliff.

3. Emergency Reserve: 5%

- Total Tokens: 50,000,000 (out of 1 billion)

- Purpose: To be used in unforeseen circumstances or emergencies that require immediate funding.

- Access Protocol: Emergency fund releases require multi-signature approval from the core team members.

- Vesting Schedule: No vesting; available for immediate use as needed.

4. Strategic Partnerships and Marketing: 15%

- Total Tokens: 150,000,000 (out of 1 billion)

- Purpose: To establish and nurture strategic partnerships, fund marketing campaigns, and promote ecosystem growth.

- Distribution Method:

- Partnerships: 8% (80,000,000 tokens)

- Marketing campaigns: 7% (70,000,000 tokens)

- Vesting Schedule: Linear vesting over 18 months with a 6-month cliff for partnership tokens.

5. Development Fund: 20%

- Total Tokens: 200,000,000 (out of 1 billion)

- Purpose: To support the ongoing development of the project, including research, development of new features, and infrastructure improvements.

- Distribution Method:

- Research and Development: 10% (100,000,000 tokens)

- Infrastructure improvements: 5% (50,000,000 tokens)

- Developer incentives and grants: 5% (50,000,000 tokens)

- Vesting Schedule: Linear vesting over 36 months with a 6-month cliff.

6. Liquidity Provision: 10%

- Total Tokens: 100,000,000 (out of 1 billion)

- Purpose: To ensure adequate liquidity on decentralized exchanges and to stabilize the token price.

- Distribution Method:

- Initial liquidity provision: 5% (50,000,000 tokens)

- Ongoing liquidity incentives: 5% (50,000,000 tokens)

- Vesting Schedule: Initial liquidity tokens unlocked immediately; ongoing liquidity incentives distributed over 24 months.

Summary of Vesting Schedules

  • Community Allocation: 24 months linear vesting with a 3-month cliff.

  • Team Allocation: 48 months linear vesting with a 12-month cliff.

  • Emergency Reserve: No vesting.

  • Strategic Partnerships and Marketing: 18 months linear vesting with a 6-month cliff.

  • Development Fund: 36 months linear vesting with a 6-month cliff.

  • Liquidity Provision: Initial liquidity unlocked immediately; incentives over 24 months.


  • Voting Rights: Token holders will have voting rights proportional to their token holdings for major decisions regarding project development, governance proposals, and strategic directions.

  • Proposal Submission: Community members can submit proposals for consideration, which will be voted on by the token holders.


This tokenomics plan aims to create a balanced and sustainable ecosystem that rewards participation, incentivizes long-term commitment, and ensures the project's continuous development and growth. The allocation and vesting schedules are designed to align the interests of all stakeholders and promote the stability and success of the project.

Last updated