v.1.5.0 Gig Mkpl update
Gig Marketplace v1.5.0 Release Summary
NextGen Interface and Experience: Completely overhauled interface design highlighting Trajan reputation, including a new landing page, improved search functionality, and redesigned application home page.
Updated Community Webpage: Introducing a new community page for effortless collaboration exploration.
Revamped Application Landing Page: Enhanced user experience with updated landing page, effectively communicating key features and benefits.
About Us Page Overhaul: Comprehensive About Us page overhaul providing detailed mission and vision information.
Decentralized Reputation Exchange Protocol (RXP) Renaming: Introduction of the Decentralized Reputation Protocol (RXP) Token, empowering decentralized reputation systems for on-chain economies.
Milestone Gig UI Enhancements: Significant UI improvements including fee clarity, refined rounding for small amounts, and enhanced data field visibility.
Decentralized Profile Ownership Upgrade: Enhanced profile-level data ownership and information display.
Bug Fixes: Thorough testing and resolution of issues including those related to endorsement button, search functionality, and service selection aesthetics.
Last updated