Implementation Guide

Minting for Reputation Badges

This guide outlines the steps needed to implement the Standard Reputation Framework and NFT minting process for reputation badges as proposed in SIP XXX. It includes essential elements such as backend integration, blockchain interaction, database modifications, and front-end adjustments to display reputation and NFTs.


  1. Familiarity with Clarity Smart Contracts: Ensure the development team has experience working with Clarity smart contracts, the language used for blockchain interaction in the Stacks ecosystem.

  2. Blockchain Service: Identify a blockchain platform (such as Stacks, Ethereum, or Rootstock) where NFTs will be minted.

  3. NFT Contract: A smart contract to handle the minting, storage, and verification of NFTs on the chosen blockchain platform.

Step-by-Step Implementation

1. Set up the Development Environment

To begin, ensure that your environment is properly set up to integrate the reputation framework and the NFT minting process.

Tools & Frameworks:

  • Stacks Blockchain API: To interact with the blockchain and perform operations such as minting NFTs.

  • Clarity Development Kit (CDK): For writing, testing, and deploying Clarity smart contracts.

  • Web Framework (Optional): You can use Node.js, Django, or Ruby on Rails, depending on your tech stack.

Required Packages:

  • @stacks/transactions

  • @stacks/network

  • @stacks/wallet-sdk

  • @stacks/clarity

Install these packages via npm for a Node.js setup:

npm install @stacks/transactions @stacks/network @stacks/wallet-sdk @stacks/clarity

2. Database Modifications

You will need to modify your database to store reputation and NFT data. The reputation system will require tables for users, reputation events, and NFTs.

Create/Modify Tables:

  1. User Table: Store the basic details of each user.

  2. Reputation Event Table: Store each reputation transaction event.

  3. NFT Table: Store details about the NFTs minted for each reputation transaction.

Example Schema:

    user_id VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY,
    username VARCHAR(50),
    profile_url VARCHAR(100),
    ... -- Additional fields as needed

CREATE TABLE ReputationEvents (
    event_id VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id VARCHAR(50) REFERENCES Users(user_id),
    event_type VARCHAR(20),
    event_description VARCHAR(100),
    event_timestamp TIMESTAMP,
    event_value INT

    nft_id VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY,
    event_id VARCHAR(50) REFERENCES ReputationEvents(event_id),
    nft_url VARCHAR(100),
    nft_metadata TEXT

3. Smart Contract Development

Implement the Clarity smart contract for minting NFTs. This contract will manage the minting process whenever a reputation event occurs.

Sample Clarity Smart Contract Code:

(define-data-var user_id (string-ascii 50) "")
(define-data-var event_id (string-ascii 50) "")
(define-data-var event_value int 0)

(define-public (mint-nft (user_id (string-ascii 50))
                         (event_id (string-ascii 50))
                         (event_value int))
    ;; Store user_id and event_id in variables
    (var-set user_id user_id)
    (var-set event_id event_id)
    (var-set event_value event_value)
    ;; Mint NFT
    (print "Minting NFT for reputation event...")
    (ok (tuple (user user_id) (event event_id) (value event_value)))

4. Blockchain Interaction for NFT Minting

Once the reputation event occurs, trigger the minting of an NFT using the smart contract.

Blockchain Call:

Here’s how you can interact with the blockchain to call the minting function using JavaScript:

import { makeContractCall, broadcastTransaction, StacksTestnet } from '@stacks/transactions';
import { openContractCall } from '@stacks/connect';

const mintNFT = async (user_id, event_id, event_value) => {
  const transaction = await makeContractCall({
    contractAddress: 'SP1234567890...',
    contractName: 'reputation-nft',
    functionName: 'mint-nft',
    functionArgs: [
    senderKey: 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY',
    network: new StacksTestnet(),

  const result = await broadcastTransaction(transaction);

In this code:

  • Replace the contract address with the address of the smart contract.

  • Replace 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY' with the private key of the sender (ideally the platform's wallet).

5. API Development

Build APIs to handle reputation transactions and manage interaction with the smart contract.

Example API Endpoint:

  • POST /reputation-event

    • Triggered when a reputation event happens.

    • Calls the smart contract to mint the NFT.'/reputation-event', async (req, res) => {
  const { user_id, event_id, event_type, event_description, event_value } = req.body;

  // Store the event in the database
  const event = await ReputationEvent.create({

  // Call blockchain to mint NFT
  const nftResult = await mintNFT(user_id, event_id, event_value);

  res.json({ message: 'NFT Minted', data: nftResult });

6. Frontend Modifications

Update your frontend to display reputation and NFTs. This could include:

  • Showing user reputation details (upvotes, endorsements, etc.).

  • Linking the minted NFTs on the user’s profile page.

Example React Component to Display NFT:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';

const UserProfile = ({ userId }) => {
  const [nfts, setNfts] = useState([]);

  useEffect(() => {
    axios.get(`/nfts?user_id=${userId}`).then((res) => {
  }, [userId]);

  return (
      <h1>User NFTs</h1>
      { => (
        <div key={nft.nft_id}>
          <p>NFT ID: {nft.nft_id}</p>
          <p>Link: <a href={nft.nft_url} target="_blank">{nft.nft_url}</a></p>

export default UserProfile;

7. Testing and Deployment


  • Unit Testing: Test the Clarity contract and the minting process.

  • Integration Testing: Test the entire flow from triggering a reputation event to minting the NFT.


  • Deploy the Clarity contract to your chosen blockchain.

  • Ensure API routes and front-end changes are correctly integrated into the platform.

8. Security Considerations

  • User Data Protection: Ensure sensitive data is handled according to GDPR or other relevant privacy laws.

  • Blockchain Security: Monitor smart contract interactions for vulnerabilities, such as re-entrancy attacks or high gas fees.

  • Reputation Data Integrity: Verify that reputation data stored on-chain is accurate and immutable.

9. Future Enhancements

  • Cross-Platform Reputation Sharing: Allow users to share their reputation NFTs across different platforms.

  • Reputation Score Calculation: Implement logic to calculate and display overall reputation scores based on different reputation events.

By following this guide, you should be able to implement the Standard Reputation Framework and NFT Minting for Reputation Badges on your platform, providing a transparent and decentralized reputation system for your users.

Last updated