Peer to Peer Milestone Gig Onchain
Initiating a Milestone Contract:
Begin by creating a milestone contract on the platform.
The start date is initiated at the time of the transaction block confirmation on the blockchain.
Setting Milestone Details:
Specify an end date for the milestone contract.
Note that up to 5 milestones can be created for a single contract.
Payment for Milestone Delivery:
When ready to pay for the delivery of a milestone, select the "complete" option.
The clarity contract will automatically release funds specifically for the completed milestone.
Automatic Redemption for Inactivity:
If the client takes no action or forgets to mark milestones as complete, 5 days after the end date, the client can choose to redeem funds.
This action triggers the clarity contract to release funds.
Creator's Redemption Opportunity:
If the end date is triggered and the client hasn't redeemed funds within 5 days, the creator has the option to trigger fund redemption.
Remaining Funds for Creator:
Upon redemption, the creator receives any remaining funds for the completed work.
Reputation Badges:
Clients earn a reputation badge for initiating a service request.
Creators earn a reputation badge for delivering the requested service.
Last updated